How to Fix a Slow Metabolism
There are 3 things to focus on when fixing a slow metabolism. Reducing Stress Hormone Production Decreasing Inflammation Addressing Blood Sugar Problems. If you can accomplish all three, then you will more than likely be running on all cylinders. A ...

The 6 Categories Of Insidious Hypothyroid Patterns
Free Thyroid Ebook Access Here! * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name The 24 thyroid patterns can be broken down in to 6 distinctive categories of dysfunction. While many of the symptoms of a low functioning ...

3 Little-known Reasons You Have Hypothyroidism Or Low Thyroid Symptoms
There are 24 discernible thyroid patterns, but most people are just familiar with two – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In fact, it is more complicated than that and the gland can be impacted by many different things. The thyroid is a ...