HOW TO: Actually Address LOW Testosterone
Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of low testosterone are well understood and felt on a daily basis. These are the common symptoms that I see regularly in the office. FatigueLow Sex Drive / LibidoLow MotivationLoss of Muscle MassLow ...

How to Fix a Slow Metabolism
There are 3 things to focus on when fixing a slow metabolism. Reducing Stress Hormone Production Decreasing Inflammation Addressing Blood Sugar Problems. If you can accomplish all three, then you will more than likely be running on all cylinders. A ...

Destroy The PCOS Time Bomb and Regain Control
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) occurs when an excessive amount of androgen hormones are produced. These stimulate the production of cysts on the ovaries. They can grow to the point of rupture and can be very painful. Additional symptoms of excessive ...

Falling Victim To Fatigue? Your Adrenals May Be To Blame
True adrenal fatigue is occurs when the adrenals aren’t able to produce stress hormones on demand like they should. This is very rare and is medically referred to as Addision’s disease. Some of the symptoms of Addison’s disease include: Addison’s ...

3 Little-known Reasons You Have Hypothyroidism Or Low Thyroid Symptoms
There are 24 discernible thyroid patterns, but most people are just familiar with two – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In fact, it is more complicated than that and the gland can be impacted by many different things. The thyroid is a ...

Take Command Of Painful PMS By Addressing Estrogen Dominance
Signs and Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance Cramping, BloatingMood SwingsHeadachesHeavy or Short CyclesBreast TendernessFibrocystic Lumps in BreastBowel Movement Changes around PeriodWeight GainHistamine Intolerance Despite this being the most common hormonal problem I see, the solution is never the same from person ...