Whether you are a current patient looking to restock and unable to make it in or someone interested in furthering your health – I am happy to offer the following! Thank you for supporting the work we do and ordering through our dispensaries.
Buy Standard Process
25-30% Cheaper than on Amazon! Standard Process carries a wide selection of whole food based supplements.

Full Script for Everything Else!
Most supplements can be found here including the ones requiring an account holding doctor to order. Brands include Thorne, Biotics, Designs for Health, Pure Encapsulations, Quicksilver (glutathione), Douglas Labs, and many, many more!

Labs from Rupa
This is new and only available to certain providers at the moment. Take a look at different lab options varying from blood draws, food sensitivity testing, DUTCH hormone tests, or just about any type of testing you might be looking for. If you are working one on one with Dr. Anderson, then please contact him directly at doc@drtoddanderson.com to see what tests would work best.